Depremden Beri: Kısa Film Atölyesi
Till Passow
Till Passow 1968’de Münih’te dünyaya geldi; Filmuniversität Babelsberg’de film ve televizyon yönetmenliği öğrenimi gördü. Aynı zamanda okul bitirme tezi de olan Mast Qalandar (Der Ekstatische) başlıklı çalışması 54 uluslararası film festivalinde gösterildi; aralarında Almanya Kültür Bakanlığı Lola ve IFF San Francisco Golden Gate Award ödüllerinin de bulunduğu toplamda on iki ödül aldı.
Creative Producer olarak gerçekleştirdiği çok sayıda belgesel, Sundance, Locarno, CPH:DOX, Palm Springs International ShortFest gibi uluslararası festivallerde izleyiciyle buluştu, American Film Institute Docs Award ve International Documentary Award ödüllerine aday gösterildi.
2012, 2014 ve 2017 yıllarında IFF Berlinale Friedensfilmpreis ödülü jürisinde bulunan Till Passow, tüm dünyada düzenli olarak ders veriyor ve kısa film atölyeleri gerçekleştiriyor. Passow Berlin’de yaşamaktadır.
Depremden Beri: Kısa Film Atölyesi' ne Başvuru
Son başvuru tarihi 2 Kasım 2023 saat 23:00!
'Come give a voice!' Our adventure, which we started by saying, will attract short film lovers and enthusiasts this year as well. Antep Short Film Festival.
As Big Bang and its members, we realized short film screenings and shooting short films during our journey in 2016 with the desire to increase the production of short films in Gaziantep and to be instrumental in new productions by bringing together those interested in short films.
Last year, we held Antep Short Film Days online instead of movie theaters due to the pandemic. During our 3-day event, our broadcast, in which we brought together 50 short films from local and national selections, and interviews with their directors live on YouTube, reached approximately 15,000 viewers. At the same time, news about our event took place in more than 40 channels in the national and local press.
With the support of Space for Culture, we took our event one step further and turned it into a short film festival in order to increase the impact we started last year and reach a wider audience.
Antep Short Film Festival will take place on 19-21 November 2021 in Gaziantep Cinemaximum movie theaters.
This year, we will present the Best Short Fiction and Short Documentary Film award at the Antep Short Film Festival with a jury of cinema professionals and professionals. Each film selected for the competition section will receive a screening fee of 300 TL, and the winners of the Best Short Fiction Film and Best Short Documentary Film Award will be entitled to a monetary award of 3,000 TL.
In order to provide a direct benefit to increase the production of shorts in Antep, we will offer the Best Screenplay award and 2.000 TL production support to the winner of the scenario competition that we will organize for the participants living in Antep. At the same time, we will bring short film screenings to the audience in movie theaters, and we will organize special workshops for those interested in short films.
The deadline to apply for the Antep Short Film Festival competitions is 19 October 2021.
You Antep Short We invite you to share our excitement at the Film Festival!